当前观点:新西兰签证照片尺寸大小 新西兰签证照片尺寸
1、45mm 高 x 35mm 阔. 背景不能白色, 用浅蓝色背景.Photographic Proof of Your IdentityAll applicants, including babies, must provide two identical photos of themselves. Both photos must be the same in all ways taking care they are not damaged by staples, pins, paperclips, folding or ink.The photos must be:* Recent photos, less than six months old* A full-front view of face, head and shoulders, looking straight at the camera with eyes open and head straight* Without hat, head band or head covering. If you wear these for religious or medical reasons, please state the reason on the Statutory Declaration on page 13 of the passport application form.* In all cases, facial features from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown* Without sunglasses. Tinted prescription glasses may be worn as long as the eyes are still visible. There must be no light reflection on the glasses. Thick or heavy rimmed frames must be removed* A true image and not altered in any way* Clear, sharp and in focus with minimum reflective light on the face* With a plain, light coloured background (not white or dark) and no background shadow* Of high quality colour showing natural skin tones (black and white photos are not acceptable)* Printed on high quality photographic paper of high resolution, instant colour film and low gloss coated thermal papers providing the printers are high resolution printing systems* Not printed with ink jet printers, on extremely high gloss paper or heavily backed thermal paper* Taken with a neutral expression with the mouth closed* With eyes open and clearly visible, and no hair across the face or eyes* Actual photo size of 45mm height x 35mm width* Head size a maximum 80% of the photo (36mm) and minimum 70% of the photo (32mm)The identity witness who identifies you on the application form must write your full name on the back of one photo, and then sign and date it.。
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- 当前观点:新西兰签证照片尺寸大小 新西兰签证照片尺寸
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